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Fig. 5 | Cell Communication and Signaling

Fig. 5

From: Kinesin KIFC3 is essential for microtubule stability and cytokinesis in oocyte meiosis

Fig. 5

KIFC3 affects midbody formation and cytokinesis in mouse oocytes (A) Spindle morphology at the ATI stage and MII stage oocytes. Green, α-tubulin; blue, DNA. Repeat the experiment 4 times. Bar = 20 μm. (B) Co-IP was performed with an anti-KIFC3 antibody. The immunoblots of protein precipitates were probed with anti-PRC1 antibody. (C) Control and KIFC3-antibody injection oocytes at the ATI stage were stained with anti-α-tubulin (green), anti-PRC1 (red) and counterstained with Hoechst 33342 to visualize the chromosomes (blue). Repeat the experiment 3 times. Bar = 20 μm. (D) Diagram of the roles of KIFC3 during mouse oocyte meiotic maturation. KIFC3 regulated tubulin acetylation to stabilize the microtubules for spindle assembly and kinetochore-microtubules attachment, and KIFC3 also interacted with PRC1 for cytokinesis during mouse oocyte meiosis

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