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Fig. 1 | Cell Communication and Signaling

Fig. 1

From: Investigation of the impact of bromodomain inhibition on cytoskeleton stability and contraction

Fig. 1

Comparative analysis of growth factor stimulated mechanically active cells identifies common TF regulators and changes in chromatin and the cytoskeleton. A, D, G Venn diagrams comparing our PDGF stimulated pHBSMC DEGs to the DEGs generated from reanalyzed publically available data of smooth muscle cells or fibroblasts stimulated with PDGF or TGFB. B, E, H Transcription factor master regulator analysis using CHEA3 and ENCODE database of all the shared DEGs from A, D, and G identified MYC, MAX and members of the AP-1 transcription factor complex as the most highly networked regulators based on -log Fisher's exact test (FET) p-value. C, F, I Shared DEGs from A, D, and G were subjected to enrichment analysis using GO terms for molecular function. Terms were then clustered to group molecular functions with overlapping DEGs. Highlighted in orange, are molecular functions related to chromatin remodeling. Highlighted in green are molecular functions related to cytoskeleton regulation

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