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Fig. 3 | Cell Communication and Signaling

Fig. 3

From: Egr-1 is a key regulator of the blood-brain barrier damage induced by meningitic Escherichia coli

Fig. 3

Bioinformatics analysis of Egr-1 target genes. A GO analysis of Egr-1 peaks in infected hBMEC. The x‑axis represents the name of the enrichment pathway. The y‑axis represents the targeted gene numbers corresponding to the GO terms. B Bubble diagram shows the KEGG pathways of Egr-1 peaks in infected hBMEC. The coloring of the p values indicates the significance of the rich factor. Circles indicate the target genes that are involved, with sizes proportional to the number of genes. The x‑axis represents the rich factor. The y‑axis represents the enrichment pathway name. C Volcano plot of the upregulated and downregulated mRNAs from hBMEC in the meningitic E. coli infection group compared with the control group. Red indicates upregulated mRNAs, blue downregulated mRNAs, and solid circles Egr-1 target genes. D Graphical illustration of the regulation of actin cytoskeleton-associated proteins using STRING (confidence score > 0.7). The coloring of the p values indicates the significance of the rich factor. Circle sizes indicate the log2Fold values. E Graphical illustration of the regulation of angiogenesis-associated proteins using STRING (confidence score > 0.7). The coloring of the p values indicates the significance of the rich factor. Circle sizes indicate the log2Fold values

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