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Fig. 2 | Cell Communication and Signaling

Fig. 2

From: Pediococcus acidilactici reduces tau pathology and ameliorates behavioral deficits in models of neurodegenerative disorders

Fig. 2

Markers modified by PA intervention and the tau-reducing effect in mice and C. elegans. A APP, tau, OPN and TDP43 proteins in hippocampal tissue. Western blotting analysis of NS, FD and PA-treated groups (3 mice per group). Quantification of western blotting grayscale values for APP, tau, OPN and TDP43 relative to β-tubulin in the hippocampus analyzed by Image J.One-way ANOVA with post-hoc LSD test was used for significance. B APP, tau, OPN and TDP43 proteins in cortical tissue using western blotting analysis of the NS-, FD- and PA-treated groups (3 mice each group). Quantification of western blotting grayscale values for APP, tau, OPN and TDP43 relative to β-tubulin in the prefrontal cortex analyzed by Image J. One-way ANOVA with post-hoc LSD test was used for significance. C Comparison of PA and E. coli OP50 on the lifespans of C.elegans VH254 (120 worms each group). Paired t-tests were used for significance. D Western blotting of tau and p-tau protein in PA- or E. coli OP50-treated C.elegans VH254 (700 worms each group). Paired t-tests were used. E Number of head swings in C. elegans VH254 after PA or in OP50 controls (above 40 worms each group). Paired t-tests were used for significance. F Expression of clh1, clh2, clh3, clh4, clh6, sulp1, sulp6, paa-1, xbp-1, dyb-1, rak-1,ift74, ift81, osm-3, vps15, vps34, wht1, wht6, wht8, B0252.3, oat1 and mrp4 relative to TBA-1 between PA and OP50 groups (600 worms each group). Paired t-tests were used for significance. All data are means ± SEM. Statistical significance vs. the vehicle-only treatment group. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ns: no significant difference

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