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Fig. 5 | Cell Communication and Signaling

Fig. 5

From: Integrinβ-1 in disorders and cancers: molecular mechanisms and therapeutic targets

Fig. 5

ITGB1 and tumor stemness. A CD24+CD44+ stem cells were identified in the PANC-1 cell line, with increased expression of ITGB1. These cells are more invasive than CD24CD44 cells in pancreatic cancer. These cells have the ability to activate CAF and promote the production of collagen, thus further promoting self-renewal and migration of pancreatic cancer cells, and increasing the frequency of cancer cells transforming into stem cells through FAK activation. In addition, pancreatic CSC exhibits a higher level of ALDH, which is related to its metastatic ability. Meanwhile, these ALDH+CSCs demonstrate high levels of ITGB1-FAK expression. B TN-C, a ligand of ITGB1 and ITGB3, can be produced by breast cancer cells to encourage self-renewal of CSC and enhance its ability to initiate metastasis. C In CD133CRC cells, ITGB1 promotes reprogramming of stem cell transcription factors and restores tumorigenic potential and stem-cell-like characteristics. D In CRC, downregulation of SDC1 synergistically promotes the activation of ITGB1 and FAK, increasing the invasiveness of cancer cells and the advantages conferred by the use of CSCs

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