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Fig. 5 | Cell Communication and Signaling

Fig. 5

From: Macrophages release IL11-containing filopodial tip vesicles and contribute to renal interstitial inflammation

Fig. 5

M1-ftv and HG-ftv promote fibroblast transdifferentiation. A In vitro experimental plan involving FTV-treated fibroblasts. B Confocal images show that PKH26 (red)-labeled M1-ftv are internalized by fibroblasts. n = 3. Scale bar:10 μm. C1 FTV-treated fibroblasts for 24 h followed by α-SMA and COL1 immunostaining. C2 The mean fluorescent intensities of α-SMA and COL1. n = 3. Scale bar: 10 μm. D1-D3 Western blotting to detect the expression of α-SMA and COL1 in FTV-treated fibroblasts group. n = 3. E1 In vitro experimental plan. E2 Fibroblasts were incubated on macrophage-experienced coverslips after extensive washing and then subjected to α-SMA immunostaining. E3 The mean fluorescence intensity. E4 The relative levels of α-SMA were measured. n = 3. Scale bar:10 μm F1 Macrophage pre-treated CK636, with or without HG, and collected the culture supernatant that contain FTV fractions by slow-speed centrifugation, then fibroblast co-culture with the supernatant and detected by Immunofluorescence. F2 The mean fluorescent intensities from each group. Scale bar:10 μm. G Confocal image of fibroblasts treated with M1-ftv or pre-treated with chlorpromazine (CPZ). n = 3. Scale bar: 15 μm. All FTV (red), α-SMA and COL1 (green), and cell nuclei stained with DAPI (blue). *p < 0.05 vs. the control group, HG, the M0-ftv

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