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Fig. 6 | Cell Communication and Signaling

Fig. 6

From: Intracellular remodeling associated with endoplasmic reticulum stress modifies biomechanical compliance of bladder cells

Fig. 6

A Representative images of T24 cells controls and 24 h incubation with 1µM wortmannin (WORT), ER is shown in blue to yellow. B Quantification of the ER staining, results are given as mean fluorescence (r.f.u.) and as the fraction of the cell area covered by the ER signal. * indicates statistical significance at Student´s t-test (*: p < 0.05; ***: p < 0.001). Results were taken from 3 independent cell preparations and n ≥ 23 ROIs were evaluated. C Representative images of actin (green), for control and 1µM wortmannin treated cells. D Quantification of the actin signal per cell cytoplasmic area. * Indicates statistical significance at Student´s t-test (***: p < 0.001), taken from 3 independent cell preparations across 27 optical fields. E Representative images of the gap closure assay, control and 1µM wortmannin treated cells. F Quantification of the gap closure assay, results are given as mean area healed over 24 h, * indicates statistical significance at Mann-Whitney test (***: p < 0.001). Data were acquired from n ≥ 3 independent cell preparations, n ≥ 10 optical fields were evaluated. G Representative AFM height and Young´s modulus [YM] maps of T24 cells controls and 24 h incubation with 1µM wortmannin. H Quantification of the YM [kPa] median per ROI for nuclear (NUC), perinuclear (PER) and cytoplasmic (CYT) areas of the cell, n ≥ 17 ROIs were evaluated across n ≥ 3 independent cell preparations. * Indicates statistical significance at Mann-Whitney test (*: p < 0.05, **: p < 0.01, ***: p < 0.001)

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