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Table 5 Trafficking summary data for TNFR1 in response to 1, in the absence or presence of vesicle trafficking inhibitor, BFA, and protein synthesis inhibitor, CHX. Emax expressed as a percentage of vehicle. Parameters are derived from at least three independent patient-derived GBM cases. ns = p > 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001 relative to 1 with vehicle, One-way ANOVA

From: Involvement of the tumour necrosis factor receptor system in glioblastoma cell death induced by palbociclib-heptamethine cyanine dye conjugate

1-induced anterograde trafficking of TNFR1 (12 h)


+ Vehicle



EC 50 (nM) [±SEM]

63.3 [1.5]

481.3 [12.9]

779.8 [293.2]

pEC 50 (log 10 , M) [±SEM]

7.20 [0.01]

6.32 [0.01]***

6.14 [0.17]**

E max (nM)[±SEM]

4184 [2348]

3835 [2330]ns

3559 [1975]ns

1-induced total TNFR1 expression (12 h)

EC 50 (nM) [±SEM]

44421.7 [30.05]

122.9 [23.09]

1154 [15.6]

pEC 50 (log 10 , M) [±SEM]

6.38 [0.03]

6.92 [0.08]*

5.94 [0.01]*

E max (nM)[±SEM]

6625 [265]

8994 [203]**

5943 [307]**