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Fig. 6 | Cell Communication and Signaling

Fig. 6

From: Intrinsic disorder in PRAME and its role in uveal melanoma

Fig. 6

Evaluation of liquid–liquid phase separation propensity of human PRAME by FuzDrop. A PRAME has an overall pLLPS of 0.1229, indicating a low probability of promoting droplet formation or liquid–liquid phase separation. However, the protein does contain one region that promotes droplet formation, as depicted in the top AlphaFold structure, as well as two hotspots that promote aggregation, as shown in the bottom AlphaFold structure. B Furthermore, the behavior of PRAME is influenced by its cellular context, as indicated by the SBIND value, which describe the ability of specific residues to switch between different binding modes. Regions that exhibit context-dependent interactions can alter the protein's binding behavior and binding modes in various cellular conditions. Residues or regions with SBIND values of 2.25 or greater are capable of transitioning between disordered and ordered states

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