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Fig. 5 | Cell Communication and Signaling

Fig. 5

From: Cancer stem cell fate determination: mito-nuclear communication

Fig. 5

Mitochondrial ROS signaling and cancer stem cell stemness. A SLC7A11-AS1/β-TRCP1 or prohibitin promote CSC stemness potential by blocking NRF2 degradation and thus scavenging ROS or by interacting with PRDX3 and maintaining low mitochondrial ROS levels. B By blocking the role of iron in electron transport, deferiprone induces mitochondrial ROS and disrupts CSC stemness. KS10076, 13 R, 20-diHDHA, and PAA induce the production of ROS, degrade STAT3 or decrease the expression levels of CSC self-renewal genes, while TiOxNPs reduce CSC marker expression levels by inducing ROS levels and inactivating AKT signaling. CSC Cancer stem cell, 13 R 20-diHDHA, 13R 20-dihydroxydocosahexaenoic acid, PAA Phenylacetaldehyde, TiOxNPs Titanium peroxide nanoparticles

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