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Table 10 Intratumoural microbiota that can be used in biotherapeutics

From: Intratumoural microbiota: from theory to clinical application

Intratumoural microbiota




Enterococcus faecalis,Bacteroides, xylanisolvens,Bacteroides ovatus

Elevated levels of TFα antigen-specific antibodies

Colorectal cancer


E.coli Nissle 1917

The engineered commensal Escherichia coli bound specifically to the heparan sulphate proteoglycan on colorectal cancer cells and secreted the enzyme myrosinase to transform host-ingested glucosinolates to sulphoraphane, an organic small molecule with known anticancer activity

Colorectal cancer



1.Inducing the infiltration of abundant immune cells such as monocytes/macrophages and neutrophils via TLR4 signaling

2. The secretion of FlaB by Salmonella induces the activation of phenotype and function of tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) with M1 phenotype, while simultaneously suppressing the M2-like inhibitory activity

Colorectal cancer, Melanoma
