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Fig. 7 | Cell Communication and Signaling

Fig. 7

From: Microvesicles from bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells promote Helicobacter pylori-associated gastric cancer progression by transferring thrombospondin-2

Fig. 7

Depletion of the THBS2 gene reduces the tumor-promoting ability of BMSC-MVs in nude mouse xenografts. A Representative PET-CT images of nude mice 4 weeks after intraperitoneal injection with MGC-803 cells alone, MGC-803 cells cocultured with sh-NC-MVs, MGC-803 cells cocultured with Hp + sh-NC-MVs, MGC-803 cells cocultured with sh-THBS2-MVs, and MGC-803 cells cocultured with Hp + sh-THBS2-MVs. The white arrow indicates suspected abdominal metastasis of xenograft tumors. B The SUVmax values of intraperitoneal metastases in different groups of nude mice. C, D Representative images and tumor weights of intraperitoneal metastatic tumors in different groups of nude mice. E Representative CT images of nude mice 4 weeks after tail vein injection with MGC-803 cells alone, MGC-803 cells cocultured with sh-NC-MVs, MGC-803 cells cocultured with Hp + sh-NC-MVs, MGC-803 cells cocultured with sh-THBS2-MVs, and MGC-803 cells cocultured with Hp + sh-THBS2-MVs. F H&E pathological images of lung tissue 4 weeks after tail vein injection in different groups of nude mice. BMSCs: bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells; MVs: microvesicles; Hp: Helicobacter pylori; GC: gastric cancer; ***P < .001, NS: no significance

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