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Fig. 3 | Cell Communication and Signaling

Fig. 3

From: VSSP-activated macrophages mediate senescence and tumor inhibition in a preclinical model of advanced prostate cancer

Fig. 3

VSSP-activated BMDMs decrease angiogenesis, reduce proliferation and induce senescence in PCa cells in vivo. Steady state or VSSP-activated BMDMs were infused into Ptenpc−/−; Trp53pc−/− mice as described in Fig. 2a. a FACS quantitation of the immune cells infiltrating prostate tumor of Ptenpc−/−; Trp53pc−/− mice. Proportion of each immune population was estimated inside the CD45+ population. b FACS quantitation of the frequency of IFNγ+ and Granzyme B+ CD8+T cells in the prostate TME of mice infused with VSSP-stimulated and unstimulated BMDMs. c Representative IHQ staining of cleaved caspase-3 in the tumors at completion of the study. Scale Bar 100 μm. Quantification was performed as fold change of the percentage of positive cells within the glands. d Representative IHQ staining of CD31 in the tumors. Scale Bar 100 μm. Quantification was performed as density of vessels per field. e Representative IHQ staining of Ki-67 in the tumors. Scale Bar 200 μm. Quantification was performed as fold change of the percentage of positive cells within the glands. f Representative IHQ staining p16 in the tumors. Scale Bar 200 μm. Quantification was performed as fold change of the percentage of positive cells within the glands. Symbols indicates significant differences by Student t test (*p < 0.05). BMDMs Bone marrow-derived macrophages, MDSCs myeloid-derived suppressor cells

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