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Table 4 Studies reporting on pro-& anti-tumorigenic effects exerted by irradiated CAFs

From: Cancer-associated fibroblasts in radiotherapy: Bystanders or protagonists?


Tumor type

Fibroblast type

Experimental Model


Li [101]

Pancreatic cancer

CAFs & NFs

In vitro (co-cultures)

In vivo (co-injections)

iCAFs enhance tumor cell invasion and promote EMT. ↑SFD-1

Mantoni [102]

Pancreatic cancer


In vitro (co-cultures)

In vivo (co-injections)

CAF-mediated increased radioprotection of tumor cells. Integrin-β signaling

Pereira [103]

Pancreatic cancer

CAFs primary cultures

Orthotopic implantation of clinical specimens

iNOS/NO expression from iCAFs increase intra-tumoral pH and tumor growth. Activation of NF-kB and secretion of cytokines in tumor cells by CAF-CM

Tommelein [104]

Colo-rectal cancer


In vitro (supernatants)

In vivo (co-injections)

Increased IGF-1 secretion; iCAFs promote cancer cell survival and radioprotection

Nicolas [105]

Rectal cancer

CAFs in organoids

In vitro (PD organoids)

Radiation-induced IL-1a in tumor cells provoke polarization of CAFs towards inflammatory/pro-tumorigenic phenotype

Meng [106]

Lung cancer

CAFs primary cultures

In vitro co-cultures

In vivo (co-injections)

Pro-tumorigenic effects from IR-induced senescent CAFs. Pharmacological targeting of senescent-like CAFs radio-sensitize tumors

Grinde [107]


CAFs primary cultures

In vivo co-injections

Reduced pro-tumorigenic functions by irradiated CAFs in vivo

Hellevik [108]


CAFs primary cultures

In vitro co-cultures

Irradiated CAFs do NOT enhance proliferative and migratory functions on tumor cells