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Table 2 Studies reporting on radioprotective effects exerted by CAFs (non-irradiated)

From: Cancer-associated fibroblasts in radiotherapy: Bystanders or protagonists?


Fibroblast type

Tumor model

Exp model


Chu [89]

CAFs (primary cultures)

Cervical cancer

In vitro co-cultures

Enhanced radio-resistance of Hela cells by conditioned medium from iCAF/tumor cell co-cultures, but not from iCAF monocultures

Hwang [90]

PSC/CAFs (immortalized)

Pancreatic cancer

In vitro supernatants

CAF-CM increase radioprotection of tumor cells. Unknown soluble factor

Wang [92]

NFs/CAFs (primary cultures)

Melanoma Lung cancer

In vitro

In vivo (co-inject)

↑IGF-1, ↑CXCL12 iCAF-mediated induction of autophagy; increased ROS in tumor cells

Zhang [93]

Murine CAFs artificially induced radio-resistance

Prostate cancer

In vitro

Gene sequencing. Differentially expressed genes in radioresistant CAFs. Gene-signatures from radioresistant CAFs as predictors

Ji [91]

CAFs (primary cultures)


In vitro (co-cultures)

CAF-induced increased radio-resistance of tumor cell lines in vitro

Ebbing [94]

CAFs from EAC tumors

Esophageal cancer (EAC)

Human organoids Xenograft (co-inject)

Stromal IL-6 mediate therapy resistance EMT induction from CAFs. Circulating ADAM12-levels correlate with IL-6 expression by CAFs and bad prognosis