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Fig. 9 | Cell Communication and Signaling

Fig. 9

From: PP1γ regulates neuronal insulin signaling and aggravates insulin resistance leading to AD-like phenotypes

Fig. 9

Effect of PP1α and PP1γ silencing on AD markers in SH-SY5Y cells: Proliferated N2a cells were transfected with non-specific (scrambled) and PP1α and PP1γ specific siRNA. Post transfection cells were differentiated in the absence (MF; insulin sensitive) or chronic presence of 100 nM insulin (MFI; insulin resistant) for 4 days. A For thioflavin S staining differentiated SH-SY5Y cells were fixed, permeabilized, stained using ThS stain and visualized under an immunofluorescence microscope. Experiments were executed twice and representative images are shown. Scale bar: 100 μm. B and C For Amyloid-β measurement PP1α and PP1γ was silenced and conditioned media was collected, concentrated 2 times using speed vacuum and secreted amyloid-β (1–42) levels were measured using Beta-amyloid (1–42) colorimetric ELISA kit. Experiments were executed twice and average is shown

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