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Fig. 4 | Cell Communication and Signaling

Fig. 4

From: PcTrim prevents early infection with white spot syndrome virus by inhibiting AP1-induced endocytosis

Fig. 4

PcTrim inhibits AP1 translocation from the cytoplasm into the nucleus. CoIP (A) and pull-down (B, C) assays were used to analyze the interaction between Trim and AP1. D The subcellular localization of AP1 was detected by western blot in intestine after WSSV challenge. GAPDH and H3 were used as controls for the cytoplasmic or nuclear proteins, respectively. AP1 translocation into the nucleus in hemocytes was detected in WSSV-challenged crayfish using an immunocytochemical assay. Normal crayfish were used as a negative control. The amount of AP1 localization in the nucleus was determined (E). The subcellular distribution of AP1 was detected by western blotting after injection of anti-Trim (F) or His-Trim (H) antibody in crayfish. Anti-Actin antibody and His-Tag were used as controls. G, I AP1 translocation into the nucleus in hemocytes was detected with an immunocytochemical assay after anti-Trim antibody (G) or His-Trim (I) injection. Anti-Actin antibody and His-Tag were used as controls. The distribution of AP1 in the nucleus was determined (e, g, i). The asterisk indicates a significant difference, p < 0.05

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