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Table 2 Summary of changes in TFC, IC, and GC numbers when the expression levels of genes from different signaling pathways are altered in somatic cells

From: Niche formation and function in developing tissue: studies from the Drosophila ovary


Average number of TFs

Average number of ICs

Average number of GCs



19.5 ± 2.6

466.7 ± 124.9

140.7 ± 23.7


tj > hpo RNAi

25.5 ± 2

818.2 ± 124.5

267.2 ± 24.3


tj > wts RNAi

23.6 ± 3.7

796.1 ± 168

271.5 ± 57.9


tj > yki RNAi

17.1 ± 3

322.5 ± 83.6

157.7 ± 43.2


tj > UAS-yki

26 ± 4.4

1186.9 ± 382.7

329.5 ± 23.7


tj > UAS-hpo

15.3 ± 2.1

301.6 ± 40.8

166.6 ± 35.3


tj > LacZ

18.34 ± 2.3

341.08 ± 50.5

132.98 ± 19.12


tj > InR

49.86 ± 10.22

1432.54 ± 285.66



tj > Akt RNAi

1.03 ± 1.32

118.77 ± 68.36

40.94 ± 9.89


tj > Tor RNAi

5.38 ± 1.19

149.82 ± 21.41

61.92 ± 15.83


tj > chico RNAi

5.36 ± 2.57

213.5 ± 21.44

85.17 ± 15.83




344 ± 35

97 ± 13


c587 > EgfrDN


89 ± 17

204 ± 8


c587 > EgfrCA


352 ± 30

57 ± 12


nos > spi RNAi


299 ± 27

122 ± 25
