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Fig. 9 | Cell Communication and Signaling

Fig. 9

From: The potential use of mesenchymal stem cells-derived exosomes as microRNAs delivery systems in different diseases

Fig. 9

A road map for the large-scale production of various targeted miRNAs based on MSC-EXOs as a delivery system in different diseases. a Based on the type of diseases and microRNAs, we choose the appropriate and practical type of MSC (AD, BM, UC, WJ, and DP). b To load miRNAs in EXOs, two techniques have been used (cell modification for miRNA mimics and Direct loading of miRNAs). c After producing MSC-EXOs by hollow-Fiber Bioreactor, we need to purify them from other substances by tangential flow filtration (TFF) methods. d It is essential to establish proper storage methods and suitable transportation techniques for the mass production of MSC-EXOs containing miRNA

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