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Table 2 The synergistic use of melatonin and other drugs or therapies in treating prostate cancer

From: The inhibitory effect of melatonin on human prostate cancer

Synergistic use




Melatonin and castration therapy

androgen-sensitive PCa cells

Melatonin significantly slowed the appearance and growth rate combined with castration therapy compared with the untreated group

Siu et al. [101]

Melatonin and triptorelin

CRPC patients

The concomitant administration of the melatonin with castration therapy in CRPC patients could induce an obvious decrease in PSA serum levels, elevate platelet count to a standard value and prolong the overall survival span

Lissoni et al. [105]

Melatonin and hormone radiation treatment

PCa patients

Long-term use of melatonin was an independent predictive factor and could reduce the event of death to lower than 50% in PCa patients with advanced stage

Gennady et al. [106]

Melatonin and DHA

PCa cells

Melatonin combined with DHA could suppress proliferative prostate diseases through modulating mitochondrion bioenergy via AKT and ERK1/2 pathway

Tamarindo et al. [208]

Melatonin and cryopass-laser treatment

LNCaP cells and 7-week old Foxn1 nu/nu mice

Melatonin could be precisely delivered to specific areas avoiding false distribution in non-target tissues and unwanted side-effects via cryopass-laser and 3 mg/kg/week melatonin could effectively inhibit the proliferation of LNCaP PCa cells

Terraneo et al. [209]