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Figure 1 | Cell Communication and Signaling

Figure 1

From: NR5A1 prevents centriole splitting by inhibiting centrosomal DNA-PK activation and β-catenin accumulation

Figure 1

SF-1 depletion causes genomic instability and reduced MA-10 cell growth. (A-C) SF-1 depletion causes MA-10 genomic instability. (A) Staining of MA-10 nuclei with DAPI after MA-10 cells were depleted of SF-1 by the infection of shsf1#3 lentivirus. The inset is a higher magnification showing micro-nuclei stained by DAPI. Enlarged nucleus (asterisk) and micro-nuclei (arrow) were observed. The scale bar is 5 μm. (B-C) Quantitation of nuclear areas (B) and the population of cells with micro-nuclei (C). The areas of nuclei from at least 100 cells were counted and compared in three independent experiments. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001. At least 100 cells were counted in three independent experiments and the mean±S.D. is shown. (D) SF-1 depletion inhibits MA-10 cell growth. Growth curve of MA-10 cells after infection with shRNA-encoding lentivirus against luc (shluc) or two different sequences of SF-1 (sh#2, sh#3). *P < 0.05. Inset shows the Western blot analysis of SF-1 expression after infection of lentivirus for shluc, shsf1#2 (#2) and shsf1#3 (#3). Hsc70 was an internal control.

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