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Archived Comments for: Dystroglycan versatility in cell adhesion: a tale of multiple motifs

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  1. Missing reference

    Steve Winder, University of Sheffield

    23 November 2011

    In the published text immediatley following the first citation of reference [20] the Endnote placeholder for Muntoni et al. 2007 [Muntoni, 2007 #2825] was not correctly removed hence this citation does not appear in the reference list. The full citation for Muntoni et al. is:

    Muntoni F, Brockington M, Godfrey C, Ackroyd M, Robb S, Manzur A, Kinali M, Mercuri E, Kaluarachchi M, Feng L, et al: Muscular dystrophies due to defective glycosylation of dystroglycan. Acta Myol 2007, 26:129-135.

    Apologies for this oversight

    Competing interests

    None declared
