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Table 1 Summary of the results obtained from the MASER-12 suborbital space flight mission

From: Signal transduction in primary human T lymphocytes in altered gravity – results of the MASER-12 suborbital space flight mission


Target molecule





LAT (pY171)

LAT (pY226)

P-p44/42 MAPK

p- tyrosine

Acetyl-histone H3



Effect of cultivation in experiment hardware H/W compared to CC











Effect of launch phase / hypergravity BL compared to H/W











Effect of microgravity non-activated T cells (μg and 1g compared to H/W)











Effect of microgravity non-activated T cells (direct comparison μg vs. 1g)











Effect of microgravity ConA/CD28-activated T cells (μg and 1g compared to BL)











Effect of microgravity ConA/CD28-activated T cells (direct comparison μg vs. 1g)











  1. The effect of cultivation in experiment hardware (H/W compared to CC), the effect of launch phase / hypergravity (BL compared to H/W), the effect of microgravity in non-activated T cells (μg and 1g compared to BL and direct comparison μg vs. 1g) and the effect of microgravity in ConA/CD28-activated T cells (μg and 1g compared to BL and direct comparison μg vs. 1g) are demonstrated. (↑*): increase, p<0.1; (↑**): increase, p<0.05 according to two-tailed Mann–Whitney-U-Test. (↓*): decrease, p<0.1, (↓**): decrease, p<0.05 according to two-tailed Mann–Whitney-U-Test. ( ): no significant changes.