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Fig. 4 | Cell Communication and Signaling

Fig. 4

From: Wnt signaling regulates chemokine production and cell migration of circulating human monocytes

Fig. 4

Wnt-3a modifies the levels of monocyte-secreted immune proteins. Freshly isolated monocytes (from two donors) were cultured (in triplicates) for 8 h in the presence of control or Wnt-3a conditioned media (CM) for RNA sequencing. A Principal component analysis based on entire gene expression patterns, with batch effect removal to standardize the different donors. B Volcano plot of all genes based on differential expression analysis between control- and Wnt-treated monocytes. Significantly regulated genes are in red on either side (as defined by adjusted p-value < 0.05 and absolute fold change > 2). C, D Summary of Log2 Fold Change of significantly regulated cytokine and chemokine ligands C and receptors D. E Similarly treated monocytes from multiple blood samples were lysed for RT-qPCR assays of the indicated cytokines and chemokines

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