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Fig. 9 | Cell Communication and Signaling

Fig. 9

From: MiR-574-5p activates human TLR8 to promote autoimmune signaling and lupus

Fig. 9

Silencing of miR-574-5p significantly ameliorates SLE and lupus nephritis in the B6.Faslpr mice. NS, not significant; ND, not detectable; * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001, LV-miR-shRNA-ctrl versus LV-miR-574-5p-shRNA. In vivo silencing of miR-574-5p was achieved by treatment with lentiviruses carrying shRNA against miR-574-5p as described. (a) Silencing of miR-574-5p significantly ameliorated lupus-associated splenomegaly (n = 8–10). (b-d) Silencing of miR-574-5p in the lupus-prone B6.Faslpr mice significantly reduced the serum levels of Ifnβ/γ but not Ifnα (n = 6–9). (e-f) Silencing of miR-574-5p in the lupus-prone B6.Faslpr mice greatly reduced the serum levels of Trim21/Ro52 and Sp100 (n = 6–8). (g), Silencing of miR-574-5p in the lupus-prone B6.Faslpr mice led to reduced levels of serum anti-dsDNA antibody (n = 6–8). (h-k) Silencing of miR-574-5p significantly reduced the serum levels of IgG, IgG1 and IgM but not IgG2b (n = 6). (l) Silencing of miR-574-5p significantly ameliorated IgG deposit as determined by immunohistochemistry and abnormal renal structure and morphology as determined by the periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) staining. Results were typical for at least three mice/group. Scale bars, 50 (IgG) or 20 (PAS) µm

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