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Fig. 4 | Cell Communication and Signaling

Fig. 4

From: Transfer of cGAMP from neuron to microglia activates microglial type I interferon responses after subarachnoid hemorrhage

Fig. 4

cGAMP was transferred by VRAC channels. A Elisa analysis of TNF-α, IL-6 and CXCL10. (** P < 0.01). B Elisa analysis of cGAMP. (** P < 0.01). C Western blot analysis of STING, p-IRF3 and p-TBK1 expression. D Representative immunofluorescence images of STING in microglia. (scale bar is 100μm). E Representative immunofluorescence images of PI (red) and Calcein (green) in primary cortical neurons. (scale bar is 50μm)

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