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Fig. 7 | Cell Communication and Signaling

Fig. 7

From: Reawakening of dormant estrogen-dependent human breast cancer cells by bone marrow stroma secretory senescence

Fig. 7

Stromal oxidation-, hypoxia-, and estrogen deprivation–induced injury permit outgrowth of co-cultivated breast cancer colonies. a Photomicrograph (100×) of two embedded breast cancer cell colonies (Embedded) and a non-adherent breast cancer cell spherule (Spherule) on murine bone marrow stroma monolayers after six days of incubation. Breast cancer cells were labeled with Vybrant CM-DiI prior to co-culture. b The number of embedded colonies after six days of co-incubation with stroma treated with control DMEM/10% FCS, DMEM/10% FCS with H2O2 (5 × 10− 5 M) and CCCP (5 × 10− 5 M) or stroma treated with ICI 182780 (10− 7 M) in phenol red-free DMEM/10% FCS or phenol-red-free control. Error bars: Standard Deviation. **p < 0.01

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